Just one word: COOL! Well done. You did it eventually, you can count on me as a daily reader ; ) I found the answer!!! You must change your template for adding new links, I think you can add Blogroll to your weblog easily, I’ll look into it ... The biggest problem of this weblog (not this specific weblog, all of the blogsky weblogs) is lack of a RSS feed, there must be an easy way to do so, I’m sure that I saw it somewhere, I’ll search …
By the way, welcome to the blogging world, Welcome!
Your all times friend, Husein Choroomi, .NET Consultant, http://www.ManagedComponents.com
برای نمایش آواتار خود در این وبلاگ در سایت Gravatar.com ثبت نام کنید. (راهنما)
Just one word: COOL! Well done.
You did it eventually, you can count on me as a daily reader ; )
I found the answer!!! You must change your template for adding new links, I think you can add Blogroll to your weblog easily, I’ll look into it ...
The biggest problem of this weblog (not this specific weblog, all of the blogsky weblogs) is lack of a RSS feed, there must be an easy way to do so, I’m sure that I saw it somewhere, I’ll search …
By the way, welcome to the blogging world, Welcome!
Your all times friend,
Husein Choroomi,
.NET Consultant,